Anonymous 05/05/2022 (Thu) 17:20:38 Id: 155ddf No.87289 del
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>As in the "Poor guy, you're insane" reaction. Kikes have the brainwashed reacting through Pavlovian conditioning to think you're crazy for naming the jew, but then they combined "have sympathy for the mentally insane" so it doesn't really work as they intended.

Then i possibly am a case where this wasn't applied but the response was just some cope with running away (like for example in tikkun olam that its "out of context and other religions have same thing" despite showing specifications from thalmud and how its enforced as thalmud commands)
or what Alexander solzenytzin was criticizing in gulag archipelago ie not my problem or it wont affect me and continue to live with false hope of repaying mortgage with debts and having savings trough their typical minimum wage job in industry with daily fears of being fired.

Sure few who managed to figure it out stand with me but still others who despite knowing what is happening retreat to national demoralization from communists that shoved into us "we cannot do nothing about it" prevails.