Anonymous 07/16/2022 (Sat) 09:46:05 Id: 20303e No.87938 del
It's important for folk to spread a bit of knowledged about this guy for he is trying to lead (or at least be a leader in) the "right wing" fight against the "left leaning world leaders", is important to let folk know he is pro jew and embraces jewish mind (destruction of culture, simplification of world politics for commerce, establishing continent wide zones to compete with each others, mostly jewish absortion by assimilation) he is a danger because politicians are already mingling with anothers nations politicians, and I don't know how much longer Japan will resist joining China, I know they hate each other today, but a few years back, Russia didn't take jews on their army, look at them now, propaganda goes a long way. The propositions made by Dugin are stupid and should be called out for it, a danger is latent in every right leaning individual learning and appreciating something from the left wing and going full left wing but keeping an adherence to the right wing by proclaiming themselves a Duganist or even worst, a national bolshevick, imagine thinking the mayority is better than your nationality, where do you even live. Where should you even live?