Anonymous 11/19/2022 (Sat) 05:24 Id: aa1ebc No.89303 del
America (and the ENglish) have consistently done awful things to the rest of the world and its people as well as its own people... so I don't think most people are going to have a problem with this other than those that benefit most from the current situation that benefits them incredibly while plundering the rest of the world. This post could last way too long... so I'll cut to the chase. The world population will shrink. Depending on what simulation/gypsy-alien-crystal-ball you look at the degree of that collapse and timing differs but it's well understood that this will happen and there is no stopping it. America will change no matter what as will the rest of the world. America is just an idea and not even a very good idea as that idea has squandered billions of peoples lives to feed fat fuck Americans ever more amounts of KFC and pollutes the world in every conceivable way. Most rational people that aren't indoctrinated in the ways of Coke and KFC and Windows would rather have a strong leader limiting their freedoms rather than what we have in America. The rational people are those... unsurprisingly didn't take the vax. So, we can look forward to a New World Order devoid of American 'freedom.'