Hideous transgender kike bitch shoots up Nashville school Anonymous 03/28/2023 (Tue) 11:32 Id: 7ca4cc No.90126 del
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Audrey Hale resented attending Nashville's The Convenant School, a Presbyterian private school, at an annual rate of $16,500 when the kike identified as transgender. In retaliation, she shot and killed 9 year old Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie Scruggs and William Kinney as well as the teachers Katherine Koonce, Cynthia Peak and custodian Mike Hill. Two officers then shot the violent kike dead. Hallie Scruggs was the 9 year old daughter of Chad Scruggs, the senior pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church. Rather than shining a light on the fact transgenderism is a direct sign of mental illness and that Audrey was a demented jew; Zionist stooge President Biden instead called for his old agenda of banning assault rifles.

Hale is a jewish (Ashkenazic) variant of Halle. If it's not clear to you now that jews want you dead, you need to start paying attention.
