Anonymous 08/05/2023 (Sat) 11:24 Id: 8fb33f No.90881 del
I'm not exactly sure guerilla warfare would work. There's still the main factor of not being bulletproof. Say someone (or a group of someones) attacks ZOG here and there. Maybe satellites ran by the companies kike CEOs lead or are chairmen of OR the major shitheads Blackrock owning shares of everything worth anything. Eventually, the guerilla warfare attackers are found out and shot to death. Or imprisoned, raped in prison and stabbed to death with a shiv. The mainstream jewish media paints them as "terrorists", jews whine for more of the rest of our rights to be taken away (as kikes of Homeland Security do). Then it's (((business))) as usual.

You injure them, they become stronger. You raise information about them, they counter it with lies. My point is, I can see no real effective counter to ZOG.