Wake the Fuck Up 08/18/2023 (Fri) 17:03 Id: d2ac6c No.90940 del
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You make some good points, OP, but I got some info graphs that point out that Majora’s Mask (definitely a MM/33, no doubt about that) is about stopping the resurrection, as well as another info graph explaining Zelda’s lore.

If you aren’t into Catholic perspectives on things, then just ignore them and just take the redpills without those in mind. Just know that the anon who posted these has been researching Masonry for a LOOOONG time.

Mario is Hermes/Mercury, a very important symbol for Masons, according to Albert Pike. Hermes also (coincidentally or not) kills a tortoise in his mythology. Guess who Mario kills? That’s right. Koopas! Tortoises!

People need to get their heads outta their asses and stop calling Japanese vidya “Aryan”. It’s not and never will be. Anyone who defends it should just go eat diarrhea flowing from a kike mason’s asshole and lick their feet like the degenerates they are.
