Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 05:47 Id: 7966b6 No.90949 del
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>How can these people not see it yet and continue to shill for this garbage is beyond me.
Its a lack of esoteric knowledge and the knowledge of enemies esoteric symbolism anon, how one can see the for example this here which is not a videogame but good warmup to emphasize the lack of knowledge in many not noticing masonic messages into that another layer of zog onion [Embed]
The first red flag can be seen as
>Orange colour which in numerology is 33rd colour
>An due guard of entered apprentice around 3 times
And then
>A bloody checkred floor
And maybe at the end
>Unification of sexes theme maybe

>From what I heard, Japan’s birth rates have been dropping, so I assume this is all some sort of satanic humiliation ritual for them allying with NatSoc during WWII. Pump the modern generations with Masonic/Kabbalah propaganda, make them forget their roots, they obsess over these games and make them part of their modern Jewified culture.

Hikomokori or how they are called arent an issue they are an symptom of issue that is there which is a really messed up corporate morale code and etiquette code in corps, the consequences of lost decades era ie the great depression but in asia combined with how people are pushing themselves beyond their limits to prove they are worthy to be used as a cog and deserve that paycheck ie that legendary overcompetetivness
Japans birth rate problem is caused by forced workoholism, misery forcing people to toil more and work burnouts where basically family creation is a financial and mental suicide. Yes there are also a bad factors like porn (and japs are especially sick in this matter as a consumers) and ehm hentai porn but the shekel jew and economic jew is the biggest factor which makes life in japan to be a literal wagie in cagie meme but with sick humor, combine that with misused social norms of theirs into that and you have a recipie for death simmilar to gulag death by overworking.

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