Anonymous 10/17/2023 (Tue) 03:42 Id: bdb57c No.91245 del
(507.47 KB 1894x1413 Israel loves ISIS 2.jpg)
(1013.53 KB 2208x1586 Israel loves ISIS.jpg)
(353.73 KB 970x1601 family tree.png)
(493.75 KB 917x620 1594950414822.jpg)
>I want every white bot here to understand that you are a virgin loser robot
I sure haven't missed 4chan's bullshit in all these years I've been away from that fucked up place.
>Mark Kogan the jew
>wants Gentiles to hate jews more by being a cunt
>no job for gender studies
>blames capitalism
>ISIS serving jews
Nothing new there.
>third image
I'm considered middle aged. I've been around many jobs throughout the years. Women always run businesses badly when they're in charge, and they're being put in charge over experienced men through the lens of feminism way more often these days. They'll hyper-fixate on cleanliness to the point of insanity past profits. They'll nag the shit out of employees and cause high turnovers. Women were never meant to be in leadership positions.

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Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 10/17/2023 (Tue) 03:43.