Anonymous 10/22/2023 (Sun) 01:32 Id: 197aae No.91355 del
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I think much of /pol/ either forgot, or wasnt there for 2016 let alone Ron Paul. People liked Ron Paul for his vocal ideas about the federal reserve, but most of us knew he wouldn't make it. We got excited when he got far, but he was blocked by the republican party and media. We supported Trump because he was a best bet for disruption, though nowhere near as good as Ron Paul, but he was too rich and too loud to be snubbed and snuffed out like Ron Paul was. And the meme of him being the god emperor was just that; a meme. Him shitting on people and being vocal was a bonus that made people like him more.
All the people now saying to throw their vote at these random literally-whos are showing their ignorance. Even Ron Paul making it through the primaries was a pipe dream and now people are suggesting politicians have even less of a chance? It's stupid and REEKS of a glowOP.

And no, I don't think we can fix this problem without something drastic and uncharacteristic happening. We certainly can't vote our way out of this. But pushing that trump coming back would be worse than another biden or harris is either straight up ignorance, or malice.