Anonymous 10/27/2023 (Fri) 18:16 Id: 828342 No.91424 del
>Here is a text document that provides an overview of the technology, called Synthetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars.
>Here are some recent news articles that document the public state of the technology and how fMRI can be used to gather neurodata and be interpreted by AI to generate text and images based on thoughts. [Embed] [Embed]

It is related to Havana Syndrome and goes one step beyond.

Dr. Robert Duncan has estimated there are tens of thousands of targeted individuals in the United States who are being harassed by telepathic AIs.
It is one of the disclosure technologies, and is also considered to be in the toolkit of UFOs.
Many people are coming forward on Twitter and other places. There is a #targetedindividuals hashtag.

>Wireless control of cellular function by activation of a novel protein responsive to electromagnetic [Embed]

>Monkey MindPong

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