Anonymous 11/27/2023 (Mon) 21:28 Id: 59a8d6 No.91768 del
>Weev? He's a jew. Go ahead and tell me you don't give a fuck like how you don't care if a man miscegenates and creates mixed shitskin babies, spitting on his ancestors.
Is it so hard to understand that I don't give af? I care about intentions, actions, results (glownigger like Hal Turner rats out people to the feds, glownigger like Richard Spencer does that Charlottesville unite the right rally, you have glowniggers who pulled that Jan 6 "Insurrection", all 3 examples of malicious intent, deceptive modus operandi and negative results though accomplices who suffered for it probably had positive intentions). The 2 Andrews, both brutally honest people, did something positive. What did you do? I know I didn't do nearly enough for my family, friends, community, city, country, race, while there are people who did.
>being a jew
I certainly won't say "based jew voting for Trump" but that's that.
jews are just turks (part white, part arab) -
>race mixer
it's on the spectrum of human sexuality, if you see a woman that's not fat, disgusting, addicted, evil, and you want to fuck her, that makes you normal.
I'm just saying it's not the worst thing, there are secret faggots and cucks (like that Pastor Anderson who hires gay escorts to fuck him up the ass, while his meth head wife gets fucked by whoever), there are secret pedos (rich/famous jews and shabbos goyim), even secret troons (that John Flynt troon doesn't even have his birth name listed on its jewpedia page, claims it's "an American video game developer and computer programmer", it didn't actually program shit, just married a closeted homo asian richfag and used his money)
you don't agree with me, that's fine, but you should understand my point of view.