Anonymous 01/30/2024 (Tue) 03:42 Id: 641cd6 No.92387 del
(364.50 KB 1148x2184 Disappointed Pepe.png)
So you're the same person who believes Jesus, (legal) descendant of King David (though in reality he created David, and the rest of us, and the universe itself), wasn't a Judean.
On that other thread I actually made posts explaining the Khazar ((("Jews"))) weren't real Jews (neither are ones that "are real", merely by blood, it's by faith in God that you're a real Israelite). Seems I didn't have to, since you already knew that. Yet you _still_ believe that, even the actual Israelites (and the tribe of Judah) weren't ever the ones who the Bible was talking about.

Well, doesn't the Bible condemn the Israelites' (and Judeans') behavior _all throughout both Testaments_ already? Then what's the issue with the Bible talking about them?

And yes, I know that most of them are lying thieving hypocrites, and yes, as Revelation 2:9 says (and as you said to >>92099), they are indeed the Synagogue of Satan, but only when they don't believe in their heart that Jesus is the Messiah. Unfortunately it's most of them, but think about it. If a Jew weren't born into family corrupted by the Devil, and was brought up Christian, and never betrayed Jesus even when he found out he was "Jewish", would he still be of the Synagogue of Satan? What about the first 5000 Judeans (I know there's a difference between Judeans, Israelites and (((Jews))) already) who converted to Christianity? They were the -*first ones*- oppressed by the Synagogue of Satan, after all.