Anonymous 01/30/2024 (Tue) 11:39 Id: eaa364 No.92397 del
(656.67 KB 1600x1092 ancient Phoenician.gif)
(113.88 KB 700x400 ancient Greek.jpg)
>Tell me, between the Greeks and the people of the Levant, who got their alphabet from who?
The reference always leads back to Herodotus who was declared a liar by Ctesias and Plutarch. Look at these side by side. Don't trust modern (((official))) historians for anything. (((They))) will always try to claim they're the first. It strokes their ego. Makes them feel like they're more important than the shriveled, sad and vile little lying beasts they are. As they're frequently riddled with genetic diseases and dying early like plagued rats.