Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 12:39 Id: 9f0847 No.92538 del
(1.43 MB 1218x5236 Atomwaffen are Feds.jpg)
(571.88 KB 1024x682 atomwaffen.jpg)
>online nazis
Again. You might as well approach people on the street and shout, "HEY, I WANT TO BUY SOME MAR I JUANA". Sure pal. We're just going to laugh at you.
>whose version of productive activity is LARPing as a black ops squadron who meets to hike and golf every thursday
You're imaginative, but that doesn't exist. Natsocs don't meet up from online anymore because not only is it likely to be a FED OP, Atomwaffen was already revealed a Fed OP of brown turds. You want to lock up some gullible dipshits? Go look for them.