Anonymous 04/05/2024 (Fri) 13:42 Id: 13788a No.93094 del
I won't lie, frenschan pissed me off far too often for me to even want to stick around, and the 3 or so "neutral topic" (I don't know how else to categorize them and it's been a while since I visited last year) boards that actually had decent discourse/content/helpfulness were too inactive to make regular visits. The paranormal board was cracked out, pol was filled with too much differing and conflicting viewpoints that were laughably LARPagan, and of course let's not forget the calls for organized violence and terror and "meet me at this location it's totally not a set-up" threads. Also frenschan users were viciously anti-Christian and were of the "let's gas them again" (they were never gassed to begin with) infiltrator types more akin to Atomwaffen and their beliefs were like a parody of National Socialism with only remote surface-level similarities, like they got sucked in to some fantasy presented by those TikTok or Soyjak Chud edits and let that shape their entire persona.