Anonymous 04/11/2024 (Thu) 16:25 Id: e5e86d No.93256 del

Iraq has been accurately described as “a cradle of civilisation”. One result is that, prior to the American invasion, Iraq was full to the brim of archaeological artifacts, art treasures, scrolls and other items accumulated over the course of centuries, many of great financial value but also of immense historical significance. American troops looted most of the country, with reports that all Iraqi museums today are completely empty. Valuables and historical artifacts were stolen not only from museums and libraries, but also from private homes. Iraq was looted in totality. Published estimates claimed that at least 200,000 items of art and culture, many of which were of inestimable value to the history of the world, were stolen from Iraqi museums in Baghdad, Mosul, and other cities. The US government claims these were only a few rogue actions of which it disapproved, but the facts tell us otherwise, and indeed many of these items have appeared in other museums and private Jewish collections – in Israel, among other places.

You can understand why not everyone feels sympathy for the Jews if indeed the Germans did loot some of their artworks. In all likelihood, most of those had been looted by the Jews from someone else.