Anonymous 04/11/2024 (Thu) 17:40 Id: e5e86d No.93283 del

MK-ULTRA coincided with the 'disappearance' of 500,000 German POWs in the US. You may know of Eisenhower’s Death Camps where it is now proven (thanks to James Bacque’s ‘Other Losses‘) that the American military killed between 10 million and 14 million Germans in US concentration camps in Germany – in the years after the war ended, from about 1944 to 1948. About one million were shot dead, the remainder worked and starved to death. The photos that many of us have seen of huge piles of severely emaciated dead bodies that were purported to be Jews killed by the Germans were in fact Germans killed by the Americans after WWII ended. Eisenhower issued orders that any German civilians attempting to bring food to these German prisoners would be shot on sight, and many were. It was during this time that the 500,000 German POWs were transferred to the US from these camps in Germany on the stated pretense of “being able to better feed them”. With my best efforts over years, I have been unable to locate any credible documentation of these prisoners ever having left the US. The American government claims they were all shipped back to Germany in 1948, but there is no evidence to support this claim and neither the International Red Cross, who was in charge of all such movements, nor US military records, nor anyone else, has any record of WWII German POWs returning to anywhere in Europe from the US.

Non-Jew children victims still alive describe terrors of LSD or similar mind-altering drugs, physical beatings, tortures of so many kinds, of being confined in chains and of repeated whippings while being collared like a dog, sleep deprivation, lobotomies, long-term ice-cold baths, sexual abuse of every kind, murders, and so many other crimes of depravity that shock the conscience. Non-Jew children were subjected to unbelievably-cruel and frequent high-voltage electro-shock torture & injections of mind-altering drugs so powerful they were first restrained in straitjackets. There are confirmed reports of “[non-Jew] children from broken homes who were sold for money on the black market and shipped out, some in cardboard boxes, on ocean-going vessels headed for foreign ports.” Those non-Jew children who were most defenseless, those to whose aid nobody would ever come, received the worst treatment and ended in a mass grave.