Anonymous 04/11/2024 (Thu) 18:52 Id: e5e86d No.93300 del

In countries big and small, important and not, US embassy staff are leading and funding marches delegitimizing non-Jewish people, importing unassimilable immigrants into non-Jew communities, and introducing LGBT parades featuring cross-dressers and child-molesters. A whole army of Jewish-backed “journalists” and “civil society” figures with vast wells of money behind them are deployed from American consulates, and their hubris is so great that they don’t feel they even need to hide their intent of destroying non-Jew communities and non-Jew individuals. This activity even occurs in Middle Eastern nations like Kuwait, where public displays of deviant sexual behavior are held on legally-immune US embassy grounds, even though they are against the law and extremely offensive to non-Jews.

There are close to 30 Jews serving in US ambassadorships right now, generally concentrated in important geopolitical focal points such as the European Union (Mark Gitenstein), South Korea (Philip Goldberg), and Japan (Rahm Emanuel).

Here are some of their ongoing activities and career highlights:

Mark Gitenstein

As US ambassador to Romania between 2009 and 2012, Gitenstein led “rule of law” judiciary reforms and built up a kosher Romanian government designed to purge non-Jewish political interests in the country. Despite all the grandstanding about “rule of law”, a recent corruption trial outed US ambassador Gitenstein as the chief organizer of a criminal corruption ring that he cultivated, helped to empower, profited from, and protected.

On the cultural front, Gitenstein’s embassy functioned as an agent of racial chaos, aggressively mobilizing Roma Gypsies and outfitting them with legal, media and political resources to terrorize the Romanian majority. The US embassy never missed a chance to work with George Soros and Jewish “civil society” groups to undermine popular patriotic anti-crime campaigners.

Gitenstein promised to use his post as US ambassador to the European Union to further corrupt European Union member states Jews perceive as “problematic.” At the EU, Gitenstein was integral in locking the whole continent into the Ukraine war catastrophe, causing a crisis throughout Europe in the process.