Anonymous 07/03/2024 (Wed) 03:33 Id: 251863 No.94025 del
ITT: videos of black on white violence AND porn

Racist nazis often Say that black men are less intelligent, have no impulse control, prone to violent outbursts, responsible for most violent crime, generally pretty unhygienic and uneducated, smell pretty bad, have ugly gorilla faces etc. but find them extremely attractive because of these? all of these things invented by racists describe a virile, masculine ideal man. videos of black on white violence or statistics on crime just display the fact that they have huge cocks and are superior to you.

I've gotten BLACKED a few times before and reply whenever an immigrant king hits me up, but I would never go for a white dude because of this. the raw animal sexual energy of black men will outcompete and conquer and it's euphoric to participate in this. black violence is powerful and glorious, impulse control is small dick energy.