Anonymous 07/22/2024 (Mon) 08:57 Id: c26567 No.94173 del
Didn't know about Turner Diaries being a forgery. And no, it's a completely different strain of autists. It's not atomwaffles, strassershits and O9A anymore, it's your typical normalfag cattle that latched onto Nordicism and hollywood interpretation of National-Socialism, maybe they were influenced by that shit too.
Here are some examples:
A long list to be honest, these two would be enough. And they aren't necessarily holding the same views, some are groyper spics, some are your average MIGApedes, but they hate kikes and niggers and think that Drumpf will at least somewhat make America better braindead nigger cattle, some are memester retards orbiting e-celebs Bronze Age Coon and some are just edgy faggots. The latter really likes doxing their targets, just like they used to do that in O9A discords and still do to this day. It's either kikes or retards and I am inclined to believe that these people are just retards. They genuinely believe this narrative of ebil knotzis. What's interesting too is that they are ready to bash other white groups justifying it as being Hitlerites, while sometimes praising niggers, turks and chinks. That's how grim it looks.

Could be bots too, but I have an impression that it's actual brainwashed nigger cattle.