Anonymous 09/11/2024 (Wed) 15:56 Id: 0a09f2 No.94677 del
>Where did everybody go
Several things but the main elephant in the room is that with covid scamdemic the zog got more justifications to consolidate monopoly on information and crack down things which led to those communities to get whacks on social medias under ESG and had no reserve in case of such thing happening leading to disapora

Second thing is (and thats anecdotal so take it with grain of salt) is that inner drama and infighting over true scotsmen tribal claims led to dire consequences. In short people after 2020 by some reason became more hostile to each other shattering the mass to gather comunities

Third is that after a while people realize that grifters wont do the needed heavy lifting by talking themselves silly onto those for who it isint needed

Also why do you insist on something larger and constantly flashing like you seek entertainment or novelty than a community?
>Twitter/X, the only existing alternative
You are joking right? The epitome of narcissists and degenerate attention seekers with other terminally ill egotistical individuals you consider as community?

You defenetly need to lurk on imageboards like this or zzzchan or even worldtruthvids to revise your dictionary of words