`A Mixed Child Had a Whore for a Mother, Who Believed Jewish Lies About Her "Struggle"
12/31/2024 (Tue) 08:09
Id: e02501
>>95550> The entire plot of any interracial coupling is jewish.THIS. It's always some twat. I have an aunt like this, she had ten normal siblings, regular east coast catholic scots irish family, but the one idiot in the family who married a black and made a big deal about it, of course they broke up and now she has her two triumphs of the war against her, a set of mixed kids. A trophy of her "war" against oppression. Actually she has beshat all her ancestors fought for and is a moron.
A woman can cause the total collapse of her family line, and the utter discohesion of all the men before her tried to accomplish. To a female mind, all that matters is her own personal "win" in a spiteful mindset built by jews, that told her she was a fool unless she drew all the attention to herself and flamed out. This aunt of mine is a joke of a person and one of the most controlling abhorrent people I have ever known. I was not able to remove her from my life as a young person and am so glad that I have by now done so. Many of us have seen the jew run this game into thousands of families. My grandfather was a proud and bold navy veteran and thankfully his sons married correctly within their race. None of this was understood by me until these days, age 50, when I finally see the abscess the jews created in my family and in my nation. I am of course apart from the family because although they married right they are all still mostly stupid, and its basically impossible to even have a normal conversation with them, because they are mentally kettled cowards as men, and they wont rock the boat about anything.
I guess I am saying my aunts won and my uncles lost, in the overall picture. Sucks.