Anonymous 11/21/2016 (Mon) 11:57:28 No.48 del

So my /pol/ thread was locked. Why? I have no idea. Go and check it out and come back here.

I was going to post this:

If someone could explain this:

>Be on 446 meters per second spinning & wobbling ball travelling through universe.
>You don't notice yourself spinning & wobbling.
>duh. this is because of gravity!
>but gravity is a weak force.. i can counteract it by jumping...
>ok, sorry, the real reason is because of your inertia, imagine you are on an aeroplane travelling 600 mph, you don't feel anything dawg!
>Yes, but an aeroplane IS CLOSED, try your stupid analogy with AN OPEN AEROPLANE.

They want you to believe that the air surrounding you are perfectly synched up with the spin of the world... So perfect in fact that you can't even feel the slightest effect from this...

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