Anonymous 11/23/2016 (Wed) 17:06:55 No. 59 del
for those who still believe in the iss nonsense:

astronauts can't decide how space looks like - including one contradicting himself at an earlier time -

just look at their mimicry, bodylanguage and facial expressions... just as the apollo astronauts...

if you really believe all the official "debunkings" by plants around the net then at least you should be able to believe your own idea of honest speech.. because these people have none.

This is also something that goes around in the fe/geocentric/appollo hoax community. They simply ask that if the sun can light up half the planet at once, why isn't it light as fuck in space? there is no atmosphere to protect you from the sun and you are inbetween the sun and the earth... And as you see in this video the astronots can't decide themselves either. actually the idea that it's light as fuck makes a lot more sense but since theyve already gone with one of the models they have to stick to it...

Keep researching friends!