Anonymous 11/24/2016 (Thu) 09:14:04 No. 67 del
No. it's no situation at all. its one video of the astronaut saying one thing from a simple question and another of the same astronaut saying the opposite from a simple question. This is one of the million things which shouldnt happen if the apollo missions were real, if the iss were real...

and then of course you have the people who take it even further and claim the world is flat :-)

oh well. so far i know these things with 100% certainty:

we never went to the moon.
there is no iss with astronauts onboard. at most you have something creating an effect in telescopes but no consumer telescopes are good enough to see very closely.
the sun is not 93 million km away. it is small and local but for all i know there could be a bunch of suns and the FE map might be bunkus. but the heatspot example, crepuscular rays and images of sun in clouds can not be accounted for if the sun is that far away and that big. you can see a good explanation of this in the locked thread.