Путин хуйло 03/22/2024 (Fri) 05:01 Id: c9836c No.462030 del

Aesthetics of obstinance

Yet it is unclear if that will be enough for Mr Milei, who still boasts he “will not cede a millimetre” on fiscal plans, and who called the senators who voted against his decree “enemies of society”. The government will reach its fiscal target “no matter what”, claims Mr Quirno. If tax reforms are blocked in Congress, the government could continue to withhold transfers to the provinces to make up the difference, he threatens. That would be explosive.

Mr Milei’s fate depends on two unknowns. How much economic pain can Argentines take before they turn on him? And can he garner the political support needed to make economic progress quickly enough to stop the whole thing falling apart? For now the signs are moderately positive. Success could see him dominate next year’s midterm elections. Yet if his poll numbers fall first, his rivals will surely wield their own chainsaw against his plans. Then they will try to throw his whole presidency into the blender.