Путин хуйло 03/28/2024 (Thu) 05:26 Id: c90831 No.470975 del
Есть факт. Дронирование прекратилось, когда подпидорашка русофил Блинкен прилетел просить не ебать сильно, после возобновилось. Это единственное, где главпидорахия не может подсобить и задушить поставки, так как дроны Украинские.

QUESTION: The Ukrainians have recently said after some reports about the U.S. warning them not to target Russian oil refineries that they understand those warnings but they have certain military targets that they will continue to target. Can you just bring us up to speed with regard to those conversations between the U.S. and Ukraine and if you guys have recently been telling them that they should not go after these Russian oil refineries?

MR MILLER: So I’m not going to speak to specific conversations, but it has always been our position since the outset of this war that we do not encourage or support Ukraine taking strikes outside its own territory.

Пидорашенский копрорейх будет существовать до тех пор, пока существует главпидорахия за океаном.