Anon Board owner 03/25/2024 (Mon) 05:05 No.10015 del
(724.60 KB 890x890 ConfusedSunny.png)
I just got here and am still trying to access things myself. I am as lost as you.

>So it seems...that the board has been facing some """issues""" for the 10k GET.
Apparently stolen! No matter, a 10K Scarred Cadance post will still come, even if not at 10K.

>Thanks for cleaning it up.

>...CB, Bridgefag...
> seems that we will have to watch out whatever stragglers decide to pop up for random reasons...
I already have some defenses in place for years. No more than 2 new threads can be posted per hour for example so nothing gets bumped to oblivion. Not that I won't take a look over the settings again.