Anon 04/11/2024 (Thu) 19:35 No.10163 del
Wow, sometimes I hate certain unnamed/unknown Internet people so much that it is ridiculous or absurd. Like it overcomes my thoughts. I guess the solution to this is doing something else that is unrelated enough. Some say that hate is like love, so I have an understanding of what love is like due to hating so much. Big fuck you to whom I am thinking of. Makes me want to quit for a long time, and I am somewhat surprised that I didn't quit already or for longer in the past. Maybe I will quit soon or sometime in the future. Also a bit disappointing in myself due to being so annoyed at this.

>That is a classic short, somewhere. There is some who go into detail on how to repair these that might be helpful (need to dig through bookmark). Never done it before myself either, btw.
How would I find the short? I am curious because it would still act like that even stripped all the way down to the motherboard. IIRC I even took out the CPU(s) and it still showed that bad sign. It was running Windows 7, which maybe does not have a thing to throttle the CPU automatically if it detects that it is too hot. I guess that computer got burned out: overheated->shorted. I could research that model of computer maybe it is a common issue.