Anon 04/12/2024 (Fri) 07:13 No.10169 del
(45.31 KB 600x600 WoonaGazes.jpeg)
Have a multi-meter? Stick your probes around and carefully inspect tiny parts for anything that looks off. If lucky, it might be a simple blown capacitor or something that can be easily replaced. Though you'll need a steady hand and magnification!

>quit for a long time
Does it have anything to do with your archival activities. Or is it just taking a break from being terminally online.

As for quitting itself, it is always good to take breaks, you can find that it clears your mind. You also can, if you don't want to take a full break, work casually and slowly.

> I should listen to that soundtrack, I guess I would like some of the tracks. Never really played that game.
Me either but I cannot recommend listening to soundtrack such as that enough. You'll be surprised what you can find sometimes.

>I think I respond more to negativity and not positivity.
If it is any comfort, you are far from alone in this. It is something that I think is true for a lot of people to varying degrees. Most people in the world I dare say, if social media is any indication.

>I don't know; seems I was looking for information or a reply that would "never" come in a stupid place. Lots of social situations end up being shit for me,
I don't know the details so I can't judge per say. Sounds like you were trying to find something and got bogged down in a argument. I get that, at least a little bit, not only a annoyance but a sense of honor as well. At least that sort of thing I can feel. Causes me to reply old arguments in my mind sometimes. It is usually for the best to not engage in my experience but sometimes you can be put on the spot. As for social solutions more generally, speaking from my experience, I had a very weird home life that left me sometimes uncertain of what normal social cues for certain situations Usually with me being overly courteous, polite, and whenever I violated that it seemed like it was easy to trip up. I am not sure if you having something like that (in your case accidentally coming across in ways you didn't meant/people dismissing you otherwise) or more of a anger management problem generally, but I can relate. The key to overcoming is to taking such things slower and thinking things through a little more thoroughly (but NOT to the point of being over cautious!).

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