Anon 04/12/2024 (Fri) 19:21 No.10177 del
>/a/web/warc/ipwb/ [has folders data0000 and data0001]
Should include in that folder:
. File start_urls_1.txt
. File all_1.cdxj (I added >>9863 data+CDXJ to that)
. Folder warc0000 (to contain grab-site/wget/wpull-created WARCs)

>ipfs daemon --mount & disown
That's an experimental option (so less likely to work in a 32-bit computer). Docs:
> --mount ; bool - Mounts IPFS to the filesystem using FUSE (experimental).
Fix for error
>mount helper error: fusermount: failed to access mountpoint /ipfs: Transport endpoint is not connected
= manually unmount /ipns and /ipfs:
>$ fusermount -u /ipfs; fusermount -u /ipns


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