Restored torrent Anon 05/12/2024 (Sun) 14:03 No.10351 del
This torrent has been restored to 100% complete! As seen by multiple datapoints, it was only partially available for months or years. I worked on restoring it months ago, finished today:

More collections of MLP books:
. YayPonies
. My Little Pony book collection v2
.. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:47a39a5a3817bc6f33f069c924a33509e85fb311&dn=My%20Little%20Pony%20book%20collection%20v2
. mlpbooks
.. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:e918b8a664430fa353e75163935d62fea500ab74&dn=mlpbooks
... this is v3 or v1

Rare (I also have this):

That folder is not entirely npr. Lyric video oPz-ClsvN7U -- -- references My Little Pony.

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