Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 04:01 No.10361 del
(180.98 KB 1024x1024 1703806581866.jpg)
>Torrent: [Loyaldk] My Little Pony 4K Upscale
This ESRGAN upscale has been offline for days now (no last seen complete). I have 96.6% of it. Different 4K MLP thing (~700 GB):
.. subfolder:

>Torrent: ~1 terabyte of full images from 4chan /mlp/
Also offline today (no LSC). I have 88.2% of it

>>10353 (cross-thread)
>ipfs://QmbnXCdzdtijip5F35PgkZRAmTBu7MPdsU1po7AXUJG5Bn [semi-online, index]
Somewhat of an MLP-related folder, such as subfolder:

pic maybe unrelated