Anon 05/22/2024 (Wed) 08:33 No.10384 del
Ever listen to music and/then read comments on it? You may have seen the following type of comment. Someone close to me died and liked this song or is related to this song:

"Train - Calling All Angels" (not the song I was looking for):
>My husband went to heaven six weeks ago. The pain is greater than anything I've ever been through. I've been using music as a way to communicate with him. I will never give up on our love. Never. God bless the broken hearted 🙏 ❤

I thought of a similar comment:

"Passenger of Shit - Staple Tapeworms On My Penis":
>My entire village was massacred six weeks ago in a war crime. They used to listen to this song all the time. Whenever I miss them I listen to this.