Anon 05/28/2024 (Tue) 08:01 No.10403 del
Interesting /g/ posts which contain the word "stabbed":
>I thought about getting a knife before. Then I realized if you get mugged the second you pull out your knife you turn it into a live or die situation. You can't just cut someones arm and incapacitate them. You pretty much have to slit their throat or cut a major artery. This opens the possibility to you getting shot or stabbed by someone with way more resolve/strength. Pepper spray is a much more effective deterrent than a knife. \\ TLDR: If you carry a knife you're a fucking retard.
>>and the people [in Europe] seem happier and healthier [than those of USA]
>Globalism means we're all eating the same microplastics and seed oils and if you've ever been to Europe they have plenty of fat fucks.
>\ Whatever statistics you're thinking of are leftoid propaganda designed to make you give up the autonomy that a car gives you and pay 40% income tax to pay for the privilege of cramming yourself into a steamy fart-tube of a bus or metro system rat maze like a good little worker drone until you eventually get blown up by a suicide bomber or stabbed in the street by an immigrant. All for the good of the planet of course.

Interesting video game video which reminds me of Russian Roulette:

Nice horsecock videos:

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