THREAD SUMMARY Anon 06/17/2024 (Mon) 13:28 No.10481 del
Didn't really want to write this summary, more in response to requests and thoughts in the past (both from not me). Feel annoyed by this? Just say so and I guess I'll quit. Going forward: skipping detailing number of image+metadata posts since that's even slightly going into depth about specific media which is "less important".

Cont. Joke (41080667, 41080762):
>Carve data into stone and it can last for centuries if it doesn't get smashed to bits. The Romans knew this. Can't easily access store-carved data and its density isn't great though.[...]Sensible stone-carved data: plain text and not a binary image file or whatever. Rosetta Stone is a nice example which preserved language, and without it humans would know less about the Egyptian language and stuff.
Popular MLP FIM series torrent = magnet:?xt=urn:btih:53db492ecb33901b17f3f99dd41f2d7310fc5a64&dn=MLPFiM and some/all of original files are base on this (41080728). WBM no longer saves redirect screenshots to websites which it dislikes. CF with Twibooru: caching/serving of HTTP 200 and HTTP 404 isn't globally consistent (41080796). Booru D'ru uses "blob:" URLs on gif, but not png and jpg; and don't like blob: (41080820, 41080862). Fail:
>Interesting to think: sometimes someone has 100% of a torrent and someone else has <100% but cannot get the rest of it due to something(s) being blocked.


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