THREAD SUMMARY Anon 06/17/2024 (Mon) 13:49 No.10482 del
(Thread summary posts: should usually be multiple post summarized in one post.)

Cont. 2012 track "Suzuko Mimori - Mirai Start (Euro-Senpai Mix)(Odyssey Eurobeat).mp3" is here and here magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4ce2cc82c906a383aa418b6a179dd26b25d8e26f&dn=Everfree_Radio_RIP ("wasn't uploaded by Bandpuffs"). 4chan /mlp/ full images torrent has "images that desuarchive doesn't have. It's [from] + + maybe also". Seed it (41081004). Derpy Hooves daughter = Dinky Hooves (41081017). (No MLP thing of .) Trackerless torrent = can't download all of a torrent for hours?:
>Think it's DHT being odd. There are no trackers on the torrents.
>Making a pone exclusive tracker could be an idea.
Advertisement in Derp'oo + torrent "[2010-2019] My Little Pony FIM S1-S9 + EQG + 2017 movie + specials [DVD ISOs] v1" (41081056). Older qBittorrent = torrent name can't be link-defined, newer = can (41081063). Some more IPFS block/chunk info + a Derpy Hooves clop image looked like Fascist propaganda from Italy (41081075). Pony-related torrent trackers = , , udp:// , udp:// , + more on said propaganda/building (41081087). More fails:
>Another fun thing is some peers are exclusively IPv6, most are IPv4 only. Also clients can be choked or using IP ban lists.
Release of what I could call
>[2010-2019] My Little Pony FIM S1-S9 + EQG + 2017 movie + specials [DVD ISOs] v2
Details on that: 41081509, 41081511, ...