THREAD SUMMARY Anon 06/17/2024 (Mon) 14:13 No.10483 del
Cont. v2 torrent: repost, recreate (41081685) and v1 = magnet:?xt=urn:btih:88756d5f383e585c111d794b13e756686b2ce88e . More details:
>...All of the DVDs have been re-ripped for V2 with all of the Content Scramble System and User operation prohibition have been removed to ensure compatibility. I have also double-checked to make sure that any coloring sheet PDFs and other bonus PDFs are included. This means they are not going to be byte-by-byte identical.
>Alright, that's admirable, polishing the files and releasing new versions - initially I thought you just pooled a bunch of isos ... curated index of ... ponies
>>If you really want a good MLP 4k, train a model on MLP style flash assets rendered at 1080p and 4k.
>I think that’s what loyaldk was doing. It was using the leaked flash assets for training.
Duplication, indexing (41082863). Index created with links for updates (41083039). Probable shutdown (41083223):
>...Last chance to get loginwalled parts and anything else. and sites under its control has a terrible history of deletions. Here's the latest deletion: everything that isn't some popular-ish advertisement farm porn booru.
unable to quickly download it due to server-side limits (41083312). "the whole site isn't CF-blocked" - unlike what they did with one of their sites in the past. Grabbing it (41084636). HDDs, best practices - read it! + next post.



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