Anon 06/18/2024 (Tue) 02:17 No.10490 del
I'm continuing to download * as WARCs - running this command:

Subdomains to be downloaded: randomness, memebooru, and maybe hundreds more. These images are from
> - MLP
> - non-MLP animated horse
> - non-MLP animated horse

That program kinda sucks sometimes; example:
>Using Konsole in i3 in Ubuntu
>$ cd; ./qbittorrent-4.6.0_x86_64.AppImage &disown
>I enter a command to run
>I press enter 0.08 seconds after a qBittorrent window comes up which says something like "Loading torrents [Quit]"
>Instead of running the command (what I wanted to do), I hit enter on the Exit/Quit button on the in-focus qBittorrent window

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