Anon 06/19/2024 (Wed) 00:55 No.10494 del
>Step 3=TODO (redundancy+share)
Share=Done. More redundancy=TODO. Vitoria_Fumo_UCiuinS6t_wUf1f_nZ7A9Q9w is in this folder:

Sometime yesterday, I saw that I could upload IPFS data at a speed of 11MB/s:
>$ ipfs stats bw
>[RateOut: 11 MB/s]
However, I think that was mainly/only local xfr (over LAN), so it doesn't really count.

In the previous thread there was a post about using Apache's Common Gateway Interface (CGI). Better info, since that was missing important details:
1. Run "sudo a2enmod cgi" or "sudo a2enmod cgid"
2. Check that you have CGI:
>$ grep -R LoadModule /etc/apache2 | grep mod_cgi[...]
3. Find where to put the scripts for Apache:
>$ grep cgi-bin /etc/apache2/conf-available/serve-cgi-bin.conf[...]
4. Make sure that the script is executable: run "chmod +x".

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