Anon 06/22/2024 (Sat) 21:58 No.10525 del
(29.59 KB 1500x1775 sweetie_cheerilee.png)
(40.07 KB 1920x1837 cheerilee_sweetie.png)
(40.60 KB 1920x1926 scoot_cheerilee.png)
(40.07 KB 1920x1837 cheerilee_scoot.png)
4.5 quadrillion pony images. Trillions of files = fits in a terabyte-scale storage thing. (12.) Quadrillions of files = fits in a petabyte-scale storage thing. (15.) (Billions... = ...gigabyte-scale. Millions = megabyte-scale. Thousands = kilobyte-scale.) Quintillions = exabyte. (18.) Sextillions = zettabyte. (21.) Septillions = yottabyte. (24.) Next = "ronnabyte" or "brontobyte"; they refer to the same thing (27 zeros), but I think today is my first time learning the word "ronnabyte". I know I heard "brontobyte" byte before (etymology is dinosaur-related.)

*I did repinned this [a ~500-GB folder]
*~200 MiB and ~150 MiB