Anon 06/25/2024 (Tue) 13:58 No.10551 del
No I mean there used to be other users frequenting the /go/ thread. Last time I was here they were still on the first thread.

>Roughly a week ago I was thinking of figuring out what the deal was with Nitter and stuff.
Unfortunately a few months back almost all the free nitter instances stopped working. I briefly read over the discussion back then and it seems that a lot of people were using the instances for mass tweet scraping. The recommended approach was to set up your own instance to do that and to leave the public ones for everyone else's convenience. I believe you can still set up your own private instance though. Don't take my word for it though as I haven't checked since that happened.

>Is there a free-tier Twitter API?
The only one that I'm aware of is write-only permission. This is to discourage scraping, yet allow those twitter bots from posting hourly updates for whatever they're doing.

>If I did web scraping, what would that entail (I can figure this out)?
Right now, Twitter can be scraped using a spare account and gallery-dl: