Anon 06/27/2024 (Thu) 18:37 No.10570 del
>I am currently compressioning and storing hard drive images with little space right now and it is taken a pretty long time. Sometimes you have to play musical chairs when space is at a premium
If you want, you can share your files with me. I can easily host and store in the 0.1 MB to 1.9 GB range (per file/folder shared). However, I think you said you have a bad upload speed and inconsistent connection, so that could be problem.

Fuckin rekt, another probable thermal shutdown at about 2024-06-27 18:28:00 UTC. CPU throttling = number 1 priority when dealing with that computer. Also keeping the area it's in cooler. I bet the thermal paste inside of it is pretty useless now. It's a 2000s computer I think; probably not, but maybe it's a 2010s computer. (Both thermal shutdowns in the past 3 days happened with it running in low-power mode + doing an "intensive" task + in a too-above-room-temperature area.)