Anon 06/29/2024 (Sat) 18:20 No.10576 del
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Can download about 1000 tweets per day:
>Logged-in users are also subject to a per-day post rate limit of 10000 (for Twitter Blue subscribers), 1000 (for normal accounts), or 500 (for new, not-subscribed accounts).
I went to today and it said something similar to "Likes are now private". Those were public in the past and you could see who liked a tweet.

Also lines of text that don't wrap for whatever reason. Example in that post #10575 is the following line:
( I finished organizing these: /ipfs/QmZiQVk39FJ5T72DcEUDim5wFeEHydXE2HqHeRmC32efhL /ipfs/QmdAXWUrrVZJmUnTZ5BsaT9FKChT7eshZXCrmXaSVvqgjy )