Anon 07/10/2024 (Wed) 20:55 No.10650 del
Low readability due to me forgetting that too-long code lines = makes the rest of the post look like crap in Endchan. "Repost":
>BitTorrent is limited by the requirement that .torrent files contain every path in the torrent; they also must contain SHA1 hashes of all of the pieces. This is a good and bad thing. It's good because it means there is definitely a complete index of every torrent that is alive or saved as a .torrent file somewhere. It's bad because it means that individual torrents can't contain a million or more files (>>10640). With IPFS, there's CAR files, but those contain both metadata and data; is there a thing contains only metadata? I think not, but you can create text file indices. Here's a find-based method which is like the one here - >>10648 - but it also shows the resolved CIDs of each path:
>[code here]
>Or, view paths + resolved CIDs for files, folders, AND blocks by running "ipfs refs -r --format="<src> -> <dst> = <linkname>" [cid]". The "software which indexed IPFS folders in various ways" and info is recorded here: . Speaking of torrents, I wanted to do more with those, including MLP ones. Haven't got to doing that yet. Please realize that some torrents get barely any activity, and others become offline completely and forever (they disappear). Images from this 1.2-TB folder which has millions of files: file:///ipfs/QmchhGLYT5oD262p8oyopCLEDeVtqJnC3PneXWkTC9aYJG/

About some of those images:
. Mobile video game: "Pocket Horse and Pony Go!" by Pocket Games MDP = parody of Pokemon Go!
. Storage device with 80TB total host reads, 66TB total host writes, and 106TB total NAND writes after 3582 power-on hours
.. I think NVMe drives are faster than SSDs

This image: "marecock" in MLP leaks scene sketches or something.