Anon 07/20/2024 (Sat) 05:02 No.10698 del
Based on what Google said, Blogger is endangered. If you didn't already know, there was a focused community effort to grab Blogger blogs in 2015 and 2023:

. WARCs should be available here:
. and replays should be available in this web site:
. I have some non-AT WARCs such as:

That website is even worse now: CFwalled (and maybe sometimes flat-out/plainly 403'd). Cuckflare example: (short thread where OP=">Your honor, I object, when my client said "slam-dunk a nigger baby into a trash can" he actually meant to raise awareness to the many underprivileged african-american youth in his neighbourhood, so that they may take back their social standing by playing basketball instead of doing crimes. \ In his own way, he's an american hero, really.")

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