Anon 07/27/2024 (Sat) 00:35 No.10742 del
(127.56 KB 1404x1918 twibooru-1165462.png)
What do your storage devices contain? I could have better redundancy for HDD za which is a copy of degraded HDD z8. /za:
. /za/video \ .. 301 GiB: MLP-related videos, other videos
.. /za/video/ = newly-created
. /za/audio \ .. 69 GB: MLP-related music and audio, including My Little Pony Talk podcast which started in 2009
. /za/b \ .. ? GB: some of 4chan_gif, $HOME/, IPFS, various
. /za/metadata \ .. 130 MB: syncing info, etc.
. /za/put \ .. Like 1 TB: mostly MLP-related Google Drive, various
. /za/software \ .. 3 GB: (WARC replay) and stuff
. /za/t \ .. >1TB, mabe TBs: torrents such as 4chan-mlp (large)
.. WARC of bcts7bbl...dpttbqad.onion in /za/t/mlpbooks/ =
... /ipfs/bafybeibwt5iq3g27hunzmyaiak4w3nwdstp5uak7bfxzxqvnusbtqsmvm4/mlpbooks/
. /za/text \ .. MLP-related Google metadata, various
. /za/web \ .. WARCs, doesn't contain MLPTP, contains, other stuff

There's at least 3 versions of the mlpbooks torrents. I have those three in qBittorrent with the save paths set to FUSE-mounted IPFS paths (RO). More observations with that:
. Seeding a specific torrent from a mounted IPFS path: can upload at a speed up to 1 MiB/s, maybe faster (I haven't extensively tested this)
. Rechecking torrents where save path = an IPFS path: takes significantly longer than rechecking torrents at local-and-non-Internet-routable paths in whatever usual filesystem.

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