Anon 03/31/2018 (Sat) 23:13:30 No.1113 del
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>Clearly it was made around that time an when there interests moved elsewhere they didn't keep up much with updating it.
Without seeing it, I bet it stopped in 2016 or so, am I right?
Post watch:September 2014, I thought tumblrinas SJW gave more of a fuck around 2015.

>A lot of the tumblr blogs were most of this was fought have since been deleted. Though you may have luck on derpibooru by looking up down with molestia, as a fair bit is archived under that tag. Anyway that's the gist of it.
It´s somehow better to keep it mostly forgotten but it shows how SJW got radical in the entertainment industry after Gamergate. This, even if this involves autism and inmature people, serves as another example of how SJW got popular and influenced over others opinions into their ideology. Surely they had done this before, but it didn´t have this much of an effect or controversy.

Personally,I have not seen clearly what has been done over there or in general, I wasn´t in the fandom(/mlp/) until November 2014 and fully integrated during season 5 so I skipped those events without noticing. What I only noticed was the EQD fiasco and that was it for me.