L23 06/03/2018 (Sun) 23:00:49 No.1481 del
And so it happened after the episode´s party, that night remained peaceful and the two sisters were alone in Celestia ´s private room…

They were separated. Luna wasn´t as interested as Celestia in talking about what happened to her after the show in front of the cameras.

>”Luna! Are you feeling alright?” Celestia asked.

>” No. Why do I have to?” Luna responded.

>”Look, my sister. This is not how you are projecting it into your head, I know where you come from “said Celestia.

> “Oh yeah?! Ruining my whole purpose of building a better world? That you cannot stand seeing how I build a stronger society than yours?! Seeing how you fail and I beat you and….. you go and ruin everything I had planned, my purpose of this millennia devastated by a single ray of light?!” Luna said.

>”Luna, please. I swear it wasn´t because of envy. You cannot be thinking that I would actually hurt you for a single moment” Celestia said with confidence.

>”Then tell me: why did you come over the universe YOU, yes you, put me to suffer for a period and come as a hero like that? Are you a heartless elitist or something? That´s not sisterhood, Celestia. That´s a convenient betrayal, getting rid of me whenever you please. “ Luna said.

>”Luna, I….” Celestia spoke with hardly any line.

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