Anon 09/18/2018 (Tue) 21:33:21 No.2063 del
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Twilight and the skull face are ripping apart the entirety of Ponyville with a badass look...and powerful miniguns on her sides. Somepony has been prepared for war.

>Slow and steady wins the race.
that´s what they say and I hope it remains that way.
>There was this cousin of mine who too everyone seemed like he was being left behind. Everyone else in the family had moved out of the house (and he was the oldest). He had no friends and spend most of his time in his room doing mostly online collage for seven years or so, but now is quite successful, much to the surprise of many.
uh, that´s a hopeful story I have to keep in mind whenever a complicated situation happens. So many frustrations and not seeing the results kind of discourages to keep the rhythm. The good stuff doesn´t always come early. It´s just that one desires to give a pay off and a punch on the table in order to say that I am here, worth for achieving something on my own. I guess I have to wait a few years more. I am not having a bad situations these days though there is a lot of effort to put on my cards.

>Lately been tryng to adjust my sleeping habits do to a the various stuff so my sleep and wake times have been all over the place.
buff, what can I say? Good luck on adapting those habits and that your body tolerates them. Not sure if many could handle those changes.
>Often am struck with inspiration at the most random times.
and you won´t stop whenever that happens. Suddenly, you will end like nothing happened but while that inspiration time happens,you will have a rush of random ideas (good or bad doesn´t matter that much, it´s pony content in the end).

>it would have been stale and stupid.
most likely, yes. There is always room for everything anyway

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